Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?

Paperback written by Danny Vierra who was raised in the Roman Catholic faith.

Use Email to contact Danny Vierra concerning questions about this booklet.

His web site is at http://www.modernmanna.org (just click on it)

For your free copy of this booklet click here.

What is it all about concerning Mary? Why have so many billboards appeared throughout this country urging you to call for a message from the Virgin Mary? Why are two billion Hail Marys said every day? Why did more than 10 million trek to Guadalupe to pray to Our Lady? Why have more than 15,000 priests gone to Medjugorje since 1981? Why the need to talk with her? Where is the Virgin Mary right now, anyway? And what about all the reported miracles, visions, appearances, messages, predictions, weeping statues, and bleeding icons? Is it really Mary? What does the Bible say? Over 580 scriptural references!

1. My Early Adoration of the Virgin Mary

2. The First Lie - Man's Immortality

3. Modern Day Spiritualism - a Masterpiece of Deception

4. The Thunder of Justice and the Marian Movement

5. The Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1-6

6. The 1260-day Prophecy and the Papacy

7. The Deadly Wound Was Healed

8. Other Characteristics of the Little Horn of Daniel 7

9. He Thinks to Change Times and Laws

10. Satan's Gradual Change of the Fourth Commandment

11. The Seal of God

12. Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots

13. A Personal Testimony in Regard to the Sacraments

14. The Mother and Child - the Grand Object of Worship

15. The Counterfeit Seal of God

16. Madonna of Rome is the Madonna of Ancient Babylon

17. Mark of the Beast & United States in Bible Prophecy

18. The New Eve of the Coming New Age

19. The Crowning Act in the Drama of Deception
Satan's Personation of Christ.

20. Epilogue - The Three Angels' Messages

Residents of the United States may have
Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?
absolutely free of charge
by contacting me via Email

Please use this connection if you would like to
obtain more than 1-copy of the paperback version
or if you intend to buy your own copy.

Residents outside the United States (citizen of other countries)
please follow this link for your free CD-ROM
( CD-ROM = Compact Disk = CD )

For the Spanish version of this same Book go to
La Virgen María - ¿Está Muerta o Viva?

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