Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?

Paperback written by Danny Vierra who was raised in the Roman Catholic faith.

Use Email to contact Danny Vierra concerning questions about this booklet.

His web site is at http://www.modernmanna.org (just click on it)

For your free copy of this booklet click here.

What is it all about concerning Mary? Why have so many billboards appeared throughout this country urging you to call for a message from the Virgin Mary? Why are two billion Hail Marys said every day? Why did more than 10 million trek to Guadalupe to pray to Our Lady? Why have more than 15,000 priests gone to Medjugorje since 1981? Why the need to talk with her? Where is the Virgin Mary right now, anyway? And what about all the reported miracles, visions, appearances, messages, predictions, weeping statues, and bleeding icons? Is it really Mary? What does the Bible say? Over 580 scriptural references!

1. My Early Adoration of the Virgin Mary

2. The First Lie - Man's Immortality

3. Modern Day Spiritualism - a Masterpiece of Deception

4. The Thunder of Justice and the Marian Movement

5. The Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1-6

6. The 1260-day Prophecy and the Papacy

7. The Deadly Wound Was Healed

8. Other Characteristics of the Little Horn of Daniel 7

9. He Thinks to Change Times and Laws

10. Satan's Gradual Change of the Fourth Commandment

11. The Seal of God

12. Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots

13. A Personal Testimony in Regard to the Sacraments

14. The Mother and Child - the Grand Object of Worship

15. The Counterfeit Seal of God

16. Madonna of Rome is the Madonna of Ancient Babylon

17. Mark of the Beast & United States in Bible Prophecy

18. The New Eve of the Coming New Age

19. The Crowning Act in the Drama of Deception
Satan's Personation of Christ.

20. Epilogue - The Three Angels' Messages

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Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?
absolutely free of charge
by contacting me via Email

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or if you intend to buy your own copy.

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( CD-ROM = Compact Disk = CD )

For the Spanish version of this same Book go to
La Virgen María - ¿Está Muerta o Viva?

Total Onslaught - 211 - The Secret Behind The Secret Societies

Total Onslaught - 211 - The Secret Behind The Secret Societies
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Monday, February 9, 2009

True Protestantism

Most likely you are reading from a bible which by means of sophisticated wording prepares you for the kingdom of antichrist. Almost all bibles on the market today have certain verses removed so as to facilitate the transition to New Age teaching. One example is the Lord's prayer which in these bible versions comes without the "...for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen."Thousands of words have been changed in today's bibles to lead the reader away from the Most High and Christian God to subconsciously accept occult teaching and get ready for worshiping the "Angel of Light."
Find out for yourself... go to New Age Bible Versions ...take a close look.[these are Bibles friendly to New Age teaching]
Here, powerfully documented, is the shocking true story of how twoNew Age occult "scholars" plotted to give the Christian churcha horribly flawed, satanic Bible masquerading as"a better translation than the King James."Texe Marrs

is dying because Worshipers are turningaway from the King James Version bible.

( NIV vs. KJV a verse by verse comparison )
The irregularities and omissions shown in the following versesof the NIV are common to all bibles based on the Greek text ofWestcott & Hort which is derived from the Sinaiticus (aleph) andVaticanus (codex-B), two sources which have been identified byresponsible scholars as corrupt & depraved. These 2 manuscripts,purged and rejected by the early church, have become popularagain and are accepted today as genuine and inspired by a busyand careless generation, just because the NIV and other newversions are referring to these sources in their footnotes as"the most reliable" manuscripts, a concept which seemedto stand on solid ground perhaps until the beginning ofthe last century but has been thoroughly disprovenby responsible scholars of more recent times.
While the deficiencies shown in the following verses arecommon to most all new bible versions, the Isaiah 14:12corruption can only be found in the NIV which makes itthe most unholy bible of all.
Isaiah 14:12
Daniel 3:25
Matthew 5:22
Matthew 6:13
Matthew 8:29
Matthew 18:11
Matthew 17:21
Matthew 23:14
Mark 10:21
Mark 10:24
Luke 4:4
Luke 11:2-4
Acts 4:24
Acts 8:37
Ephesians 3:9
Ephesians 3:14
Colossians 1:14
1 John 5:7
1 John 5:13
Revelation 1:11
No Consequence

If the changes made to produce a new bible versiondo not glorify the God of Abraham one can saywith certainty that the devil is behind it.

For an in-depth Study of modern Bibles go to"New Age Bible Versions" or to "Our authorized Bible Vindicated"