Friday, July 4, 2014

Dolphins Evolved Giraffes?

Friday Fact it is a fact according to National Geographic that "Dolphins evolved from the ancestors of giraffes and camels".

The article proclaims in a very detailed story on how the dolphin came to be. According to National Geographic, "The ancestor of marsupials and placentals had tribosphenic teeth. Thus the discovery in the Southern Hemisphere of tribosphenic teeth as old as 167 million years, or 25 million years older than any found in the north, complicates the north-south model. Some explain the presence of these southern tribosphenic teeth by saying they must have developed independently in both hemispheres. Others say the innovation was too intricate to have evolved twice, and that mammals must have evolved in the south, with subsequent generations moving north."
It is always called fact when evolutionist passes off their theories. This is a long-winded debate; if whether you are a creationist or evolutionist. Creationist believes that God created everything, and that means that you are accountable as a sinner in need of a saviour. Evolution believes that over a period people, and animals evolved from something. This case a dolphin from a camel or giraffe. Evolutionist believes that there is no God, and that out of mere chance these things occurred. How they occurred is left up to so-called scientific theories. For example According to National Geographic "It's good to remember that the evidence is still slim," says Oklahoma's Rich Cifelli. "I like to say that anyone who  stands up strongly for either theory is either nuts or thinks too highly of himself." Wait that was not a statement I wanted to cite, but that is in the article. I do agree with this statement how can this even begin to pass off as fact. There should be evidence of generations of evolution. If it is no evidence then it becomes blind faith; as was stated to me from an atheist about my Christian belief. If there is no proof then there is just blind faith because the theories are in biblical terms walking by faith, not sight as well. God is a creation of man to control people. What then is evolution?; a creation of whom? 
Can one honestly believe that we came from apes? There is a need of more evidence for to that to be remotely possible. This blog can be stated as one-sided, and does not look at the other case. Well, it has more to do when I have not that faith to believe in something there is no proof of. I may not have seen God and the argument could go against my belief as well. But there is more evidence in from the bible; that God is real and that all creation is from God. I could take in the evolution and believe in God as well, but that would take even more faith; being that God stated that it was good in the week of creation. If I believe as Christian that the bible is God's word and is true; then that would contradict my belief. Evolution has already made too many contradictions; one theory stating that the earth is millions of years old, and one book stating billions. So what do you trust what seems more like blind faith. Just a thought science facts are provable truth; not a theory till there are proofs then its just about blind faith; of which I do not have.

As Always 
I Stand By The Word 
God BlessReferences

Gore, R. (n.d.). Rise of Mammals Article, Mammal Evolution Information, Facts -- National Geographic. National Geographic. Retrieved July 4, 2014, from